Massacre of the Kashmiri Soul
22 innocent people. Who led uncomplicated lives. In the beautiful valley of Kashmir. The place where God dwelled (or atleast would have loved to).
All huddled into the small house of the Village Chief. Open fire. No hint of humanity. All 22 killed. Someone's father. Someone's child. Or probably mother. But someone who had life. With feelings and thoughts. And could sense pain. And fear. And death.
Life goes on here. Without worries. People discuss HOD. Or coffee day. Or the erudite(!) lecturers.
The massacre happened just yesterday. One of the bloodiest attacks ever in the Kashmiri History. And Bush blabbers about War against terrorism.
The exodus of Kashmiri Pandits has been prominently taking place from decades. The great civilization that brew art, culture and literature has been destroyed.
The cursed beauty has had it enough. The governments of both the nations should stop their act of sending buses to each other when they have such a serious issue in hand. Its not the count of deaths, but the loss of souls. I would prefer a strong step from the prime-minister to end all misery. Enough of reading about these horrific cruel brutal murders of my Kashmiri brothers and sisters.
Jai Hind.
(the pic is of a Kasmiri lady at Dal Lake)
interesting article ... on a very pertinent and sensitive issue ... first compliments for choosing to comment on this topic . Secondly , i too , strongly feel that something concrete must be done to address this issue . Perhaps concentrated efforst to stem the influx of militants into our nation might be the first step ....
what do u suggest ?
Abhishek Ramani, at 5:26 AM
first of all i believe that no religion preaches violence at all.if these people do believe that it is in their religion,they have completely misunderstood it.kashmir has been suffering since the partition at the hands of terrorists.countless number of innocent lives have bben taken by them.though it is easy to sit here and comment, i do believe that not enough is bieng done by the governments of both countries.peole are only concerned with things that affect their lives,hence the callous will be a long time before kashmir can truly recover from the terrorism,even if it stops have perfectly called it the cursed beauty.(it has been compared to the kailasa of shiva itself in its beauty).more initiative should be taken and we should try our level best to eradicate terrorism from the country.
Jai Hind!
p.s:(r u satisfied now??)
Anonymous, at 6:55 AM
Anonymous, at 7:21 AM
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