Matters that do matter

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Bonds of friendship

It happens so many times that due to silly reasons, we forego long sought freindships. Ego clashes, mis-understandings, plain foolishness, communication gap/lapse are some fundamental reasons for this.
Through my 20 years of experience in life, what I have learnt is that there is nothing as sweet as friendship (note to diabetics : replace sweet by beautiful). And friendships can resist distance, cannot be bound by money, and can stay through life and add to your bounty of wealth.
I am not just writing this philosophy, but I have decided. I have decided to reinvent those friendships that have sunk, renovate those that were masked by dusts of time. And tie the bonds again, but this time, for life....

Mental challenge

This one is a nice mental exercise: Try rotating your left hand in big clockwise circles and your left leg in anticlockwise manner. Then keep your hand rotating and try with your right leg in the direction opposite to that of your hand rotation. I could deduce a lot of things about brain and its control features from this, can you?

Those beautiful hands

When we lose interest in everything else, we turn to art. And there are some, who were turned by art to everything else.
The very nature of creativity has bugged cognitive scientists. It is well known that Artificial Intelligence is a field of ongoing research, but what about injecting creativity to machines?
There has been a lot of debate on this matter, and papers published. Nonetheless, they are philosophical deductions only, resulting from present day assumptions. Hardcore scientific results\ideas have not come up.
Even I cannot put creativity to words. The idea that a painter has about a painting he just started evolves and the final look may be substantially different from what he initially visualizes it to be.
Creativity does not have planning. Generally it does not have limits too. And "beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder" perfectly applies here.
There is one scientifically established fact though. Left brain is responsible for logical, rational thinking, while right brain is responsible for creative and intuitive thinking.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Celebrations and thoughts

The world was immersed in celebration with nature. Atop the hill, where the famous Mata's mandir resided, I had been to join the celebration.
The sun was about to set, and it seemed to be another beautiful day.
I saw a child with her granny, who had come to enjoy the grandeur. I overheard their conversation.
Child : Gran, you see that sun setting? Its so beautiful isnt it?
Granny : True beta.
Child : Is it possible for me to take it home and keep it, it will make such beautiful toy.
Granny : But Beta, if someone like you had taken it yesterday, we would not be able to see it today. And if you take it today, what about those who will come tomorrow?

Conserve nature today, else there will be no tomorrow

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

War in the World

Violence was man's basic instinct. It sprouted from the basic law to live "Surviver of the fittest". But as we have evolved we need to look at newer theories : "Live and let Live". Statistically, there is enough for all of us to live with a decent standard of living, that is, only if we do not grab each other's share.
Many would not know that a major percent of India's budget goes into military installations, establishments and things of that ilk. I flinch with fear when I imagine my city becoming a Hiroshima. All I ask is what the picture asks.

Oogly Googly blob

Bubbles are an amazing physical phenomena. One thing good about them is that they are optimistic. They look upwards into the sky and follow one aim : "The Sky".

Leave your steps behind.....

I remember having read in my highschool days, a poem that said, "One must live his life such that there is something for others to learn from it". It was not the exact words, but the gist was essentially the same. After all these years, I ponder, that there is no such thing in my life that I have done worthwhile, that others can follow.
So I have made a mental note to implement this noble thought.

Fountain Uncensored

Well, talk about interesting photos. Rather clever ones. I present you one of them. Having a humorous touch with it, the photo also depicts the innocence of the boy and his seemingness to enjoy it. Enjoy maadi!

Immaculate Beauty

Immaculate beauty of nature. The more you see it, the more you want to be with its real world counter part.
Flowers have always amazed mankind. Their vivid colours, soothing fragrance and pleasant radiance leaves one mystified.
I look through this flower to find the meaning of life. The dew drops on the flower petals indicating that flaws add to the beauty and essence of life.